Flourishing Schools
Training and Consultancy
​"A flourishing school will do more for its children and young people than anyone thought was possible!"
Positive Minds
Mental Health
The 'Positive Minds' training is packed full of practical ideas that encourage staff to support their pupils to flourish mindfully in schools using positive psychology and mindfulness techniques.
The benefits of using this approach are well researched and documented. This training puts teachers in the driving seat.
It enables a whole school community to prioritise its wellbeing.
Empower staff to confidently deliver the requirements of the Setp 2020 statutory RSHE curriculum requirements vital for the wellbeing of our pupils.
There are a choice of workshops on general PSHE delivery or:
Health Education;
Drug and Alcohol education;
Puberty education;
Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing;
Social and Emotional development;
Online Safety;
British Values and SMSC.
Sex and Relationships Education
Choose from:
Parent consultation workshops;
Policy creation support meetings and;
Staff workshops to train staff how to deliver effective Sex Education and how to feel confident in the delivery of the new Relationships and Sex Education requirements.
With statutory status starting soon, be fully prepared, feel completely confident and be ready to deliver high quality RSHE lessons.
Staff Wellbeing
Staff wellbeing should be any school's top priority. If staff can manage stress effectively then they can teach effectively. Given the pandemic changes staff wellbeing has never been more important.
This workshop encourages staff, taking a solutions focused approach to reflect on stressors, finding workable solutions to time management, communication and techniques to manage stress effectively, introducing staff to mindfulness strategies.
'Positive Minds'
Flourishing Mindfully in the Classroom
For Primary & Secondary Schools - staff, pupils and parents
The 'Positive Minds' course is packed full of practical ideas that encourage staff to support their pupils to flourish mindfully in schools. It is a training package for staff consisting of an INSET half day plus follow up twilight sessions, or four twilight sessions delivered over an eight week period for staff. Staff are encouraged to adopt personal mindfulness practice and to engage in a series of challenges to support their learning. Once staff have experienced the benefits of mindfulness for themselves, workshops can be provided for pupils and for their parents too in order to embed the whole school approach.
This series of workshops tackles the difficult issue of mental health and offers practical solution based, resilience building ideas for staff and pupils. Mental Health issues are significantly impacting in primary and secondary schools alike. This workshop aims to tackle these issues, to reduce the stigma and to help deliver positive mental health in the curriculum within PSHCE and across the school. It also aims to encourage staff to create whole school approaches, such as:
Using mindfulness meditations and teaching metacognition effectively to staff (pupils),
The research into Carol Dweck's 'Growth Mindsets' and practical ideas to buid a whole school approach,
P4C - Philosophy for Children
Protective Behaviours
Outlining the power of optimism and the Positive Psychology Movement
Using 'Restorative approaches' effectively
Using 'coaching conversations' as a whole school approach
The aim is to create a safe learning environment and whole school approaches that foster a more positive learning environment enabling pastoral issues to be reduced and effectively managed by pastoral staff such as classroom teachers, Pastoral Assistant Heads and Deputy Headteachers.
eSafety workshops (for staff, pupils, parents and governors)
The National Crime, Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) run training to ensure that esafety advisers are up-to-date with the latest issues arising online. As an esafety CEOP Ambassador, I run training for groups of pupils, staff and parents/governors. We need to support young people to use the online world responsibly. Training teachers is spreading this work and working in partnerships with parents is particularly important in helping them to assess risk and keep their children safer.
These workshops aim to empower adults to deal head on with esafety issues. It helps young people to recognise online risks and to be proactive in their online activities.
PSHCE - Health Check & Curriculum Design
With PSHCE poised to receive statutory status, it is even more important than ever to ensure that your PSHCE provision is as good as it can be.
A full, in-depth subject analysis is undertaken including analysis of schemes of work, policies, lesson plans, lesson observations and any other evidence a school chooses to share. Recommendations and an action plan are devised in conjunction with the PSHCE Lead and a senior leader to ensure that progress ensues and that the pupils are provided with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Staff Training
Workshops for pupils
Workshops for parents
Planning a whole school approach to SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) is incredibly important in meeting a pupil’s human right to information about their bodies and how to look after them effectively.
This workshop will provide school staff with the confidence to plan and deliver outstanding relationships and sex education lessons. It provides an opportunity for the school staff to come together to decide what to cover with each age group and to consider what resources could be used or created to support these decisions.
Workshops can also be provided for pupils with the aim of empowering teachers to deliver these lessons themselves at a later date.
Schools should aim to work in partnership with their parents. Workshops for parents on sex and relationships education are incredibly popular. Parents want a safe forum to consider how to approach discussions with their children and to find out more about the school's approach to SRE and how they can work in partnership.
Wellbeing Policy Workshops
Ensure that your staff are protected by teaching within the policy guidelines of your school. Review your wellbeing policies (sex and relationships education, Drug Education including Drug Related Incident Management and PSHCE Policy) with the PSHCE Consultant. This 1-2 hour consultancy workshop will explore national guidance and suggested good practice to ensure that your policies reflect best practice and national guidelines.
Flourishing staff - Improving the Emotional Health & Wellbeing of Staff (Half-day INSET or twilight - school staff)
Children and young people can only really flourish in their lessons if their teachers feel confident, secure and happy! This whole staff workshop will explore the psychology of stress, anxiety and depression and look at the impact on a person’s health and wellbeing and the impact on a teacher’s ability to fulfil their potential.
It will also look at the principles of mindfulness, with some time spent practising techniques and some whole school approaches that encourage a more harmonious environment to work within. Staff will be encouraged to look at ways to improve their own health and wellbeing and to action plan as a whole school approach.